Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Brain Size

One area that seemed so interesting to me is the fact that the size of brains tends to differ between men and women. Some research conducted by Dr. Ashton, who you can see in the video, found that the size difference is just a couple of percentage points, and is most likely due to the fact that men are just bigger. One thing of not is that men tend to have more gray matter and women more white matter, according to Ashton this usually accounts for why men are good in certain areas and women in other areas. This is in contrast to what I had come to believe, that despite size differences women were just as capable of excelling in male dominated areas but that social norms and expectations discouraged it. For instance math, this is a very male area, and women tend to be, at least this was the case, discouraged from pursuing math as a career, yet there are a few women who have contributed to this field. I like that Ashton kind of addresses this because she notes that the brain can be exercised so that certain areas increase in their mental capacities.

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