Monday, October 15, 2012

Cayenne Pepper to Relieve Pain!?

Have you ever heard of Cayenne Pepper being used for medicinal purposes? Well apparently something found in this pepper can be used for relieving pain. And that something just so happens to be Capsaicin! According to what I read capsaicin, when used topically, as a cream causes a burning sensation and this releases substance P at a rapid rate. Because substance P is released faster than it can be produced the pain tends to fade away and stays away for a good while. Not only that but capsaicin can even dull pain receptors by damaging them, now don't be alarmed, I know damaging your body doesn't sound like a good idea but it does have its benefits, I mean we are very aware of our surroundings nowadays so having super sharp pain receptors isn't as necessary as say, oh 20,000 years ago.

According to the video below there are even other ways that capsaicin can be beneficial to us, for instance it can help reduce the damaging effects caused by aspirin use, The video will even go so far as to explain some of the studies that have been done and their results. Check it out for yourself, but don't blame me if you decide to bite into a pepper and you come away with a fiery mouth.


  1. wow, the idea of cayenne pepper being able to relieve pain was entirely new to me! It quite fascinating! When I first read your title I was a bit skeptical because cayenne pepper is very hot (well at least to me). I couldn't figure out how this "hot" pepper could relieve pain. If capsaicin is in these peppers, then I totally agree. Capsaicin causes the release of substance P. Since it releases substance P so fast, it leaves the cells less able to send those pain messages.

    Something that I would like to add to this is that TOO much of capsaicin can damage pain receptors. It's quite ironic isn't it? It helps alleviate pain, but can damage receptors.

    Pain is quite an amazing thing we experience. I know most people wouldn't sign up to in pain but if you think it lets us know when something is wrong with a part of our body. If your arm was broken but didn't feel it most people might not take the time to get that checked because "eh it's nothing".

  2. That’s really interesting. I loved your blog. I guess this kind of ties into the fact that when you have muscle cramps or you have sore muscles the icy hot cream really helps. It gets really hot at the beginning and it helps relieve some of the pain. Well, that’s the first thing I thought of when I read this. It’s interesting how capsaicin helps reducing inflammation and well like the video said reducing information helps the body. I also never knew that capsaicin helped for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis too. It’s actually very interesting when someone with arthritis takes tons of medicine while some may not know that capsaicin cream works very well.
